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"De Dwel asl Abili" 
Group Exhibition

31 kunstenaars zijn ingegaan op de uitgenodiging om aan een dagdagelijks object - de klassieke witte wollige dweil met Belgische driekleur - een artistieke meerwaarde te geven.
Resultaat zijn verrassende foto’s, video’s, schilderijen, multi-media objecten en sculpturen van minuscule formaten tot monumentale werken, gerealiseerd door Patatopia Academy, Cléo Baele & Sarah Bos, Johan Clarysse, Siegfried De Buck, Jean De Groote, Nadine De Meester, Stefanie De Vos, Jennifer Dujardin, Masashi Echigo, Meltem Elmas, Nick Ervinck, Ilka Helmig, Philip Henderickx, Conny Kuilboer, Stéphanie Leblon, Jean-Paul Lespagnard, Maaike Leyn, Karl Mechnig, Jonathan Paepens, Odilon Pain, Jasmine Sellier, Johan Stock, Manuel Antonio Suarez Eiris, Stefaan Van Biesen, Jan Van Den Abbeel, Sven Verhaeghe, Karen Vermeren & Britt Helbig, Liesbet Verschueren, Piki Verschueren en Colin Waeghe.
more info can be seen 

"Alien - Alias" Exhibition - Tentoonstelling - Exposition - Sergi

We are pleased to invite you to the opening of "Alien - Alias", an international group artists exhibition on 4 May 2013 at 18:00 in TAG City Gallery Brussels.

Opening times and days Facebook page
For address TAG City
Adèle Pion, Aurélia Higuet, Alice Milani, Boris Bonne, Britt Raes, Delphine Cuelenaere, Elise Debrock, Gabrielle Lacombe, Güneş Resul, Gieles van Duyse, Hilal Can, Karen Spiessens, Levi Malfait, Mathilde Van Gheluwe, Meltem Elmas, Michael Filocamo, Nina Van Den Bempt, Nina Vandeweghe, P.K.V, Robert Van Wynendaele, Sepideh Sarlak, Sevgi Arı, Valentine Gallardo, Veerle Speltincx

Mixed-Up Exhibition - Cabinet of curiosities

Here is some photos from "Cabinet of curiosities" which was placed in Mixed - Up group exhibition.

Exhibition - Sergi

30 March 2012 - 28 April 2012

Reniere and Depla

"Le temps de réponse"

Meltem Elmas invited by Jan van den Abbeel

"Encounter with a Memory "

Galerie S&H DE BUCK

Zuidstationstraat 25 9000 Gent (B) 0032/09/225 10 81 www.galeriedebuck.be

Open: wo.do.vr.za.: 15 u tot 18 u en op afspraak.

MIXED-UP group exhibition

Under the exhibition title "MIXED UP", 7 master students of the Sint-Lukas art university have met to present a small choice of their works. The artists from Belgium, Holland, Turkey and Germany, give an insight into their different approaches which can be found again not only in the choice of their medium. From drawing through installation up to the ceramics and glass, a wide field of the artistic individual comes up to the visitor. Simply spoken: a cultural, as well as artistic "MIXED UP".

The exhibition is to be seen in the former candy-shop next to the Vooruit.

Canvas Collection 2012

Here is my work "Departure" which was in preselection of Canvas Collection 2012, Belgium.
It taken with self made pinhole photocamera!
If you feel like it please also vote !

Here is the link!